We are looking for Volunteers to join our team. As our season starts to pick up a bit here at the Red Rock Ranger Station, our goal is to get a few individuals to help us on the weekends. Information is in the flyer. Contact Amber Meek at ameek@aznaturalhistory.org or...

Camp “Oh – No” Display
Come into the Red Rock Ranger Station and come see and read all the information on "CAMP OH - NO".

Extreme Heat Display
This display has so much important information about the Do's and Dont's of surviving in the heat. As many of us know that Arizona gets extreme temperatures in the Summer, it is very important to stay educated.

Monsoon and Flooding Display
Adaptations of Amphibians and Reptiles in Arizona Event
Come join us at the Red Rock Ranger Station on May 12, 2023 at 11 a.m. for a presentation about Adaptations of Amphibians and Reptiles in Arizona. The presentation will be done Jessie Rack from the Prescott Natural History Institute.
Elden Pueblo
First Friday Presentation: Ancient Melodies
Lichen Display at Red Rock Ranger District
Come by and see our Wildflowers!
Today is the first day of SPRING and our Wildflower Display is up at the Red Rock Ranger District! Come by and view so you can identify all the flora and fauna on your spring hikes!
Close Encounters of the Feathered Kind
Do you love birds? Come to this cool Meet and Greet porch program on Tuesday, March 14th (1-3pm). It's free and open to the public. Bring a friend or a group!